
John 8:31-32 

If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, 

and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.

I believe that knowledge is power and ignorance is the biggest obstacle to achieving financial abundance. My mission is to provide you with the necessary tools and information to make informed decisions that lead you to Jesus and financial success. I am obsessed with God and I have a passion for helping others achieve their financial goals. I understand that everyone's financial situation is unique, and I tailor the mentor services to meet the specific needs and goals of each individual.

Get What You Want is the leading mentor service focused on Jesus and empowering individuals to achieve their financial goals and create wealth in abundance. I am dedicated and specialized in teaching the knowledge and strategies needed to overcome financial obstacles and build a solid foundation for financial success.
Without Jesus Christ as your foundation you will lose everything!

I believe that true wealth comes not just from monetary gain, but also from understanding the power of knowledge and leveraging it to your advantage with wisdom. I am committed to providing personalized, tailored solutions to each individual, helping them navigate the complexities of the financial world and achieve their dreams.

Get What You Want began with a small group of people, but quickly gained a reputation for providing valuable insights and strategies for financial success. Over the years, I have expanded and evolved, staying up-to-date with the ever-changing financial landscape and continuously learning and adapting to new methods and techniques. Today, Get What You Want is the leading financial mentor service, trusted by individuals alike to help them achieve their financial goals and live a life of abundance.

I am confident that after studying all the free information on my website you'll have conviction that God is real and you will be able to live the life God has for you, in love, health and prosperity.

My advice to you is to be patient, it feels unfamiliar for most people to take the step from the physical world to the spiritual world. We have to let go of the many untruths that have been presented to us since our childhood. This often meets with resistance because no one likes to come to the realization that they have been lied to their entire life.
Let me help you to
Get What You Want and secure a loving, healthy and prosperous future.

Before you can follow the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven, you need to know the rules.
It honestly doesn't matter if you believe God is real or not, eventually, if you don't love, respect and honor Him and don't follow the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven, you will get sick or bad things will happen to you and your family. These bad things don't happen because of God, they happen because you've chosen not to love, respect and honor Him and did not follow the rules. The rules of the Kingdom of Heaven were created so that everyone could live a life of love, peace, health and prosperity. Let me explain what I mean by that. Let's say you set up a business and you hire people to work in your business, the employees have to follow the rules you set for your business and if they don't or if they set their own rules, you will end up firing them. Even if they follow the rules you set for your business, but they don't believe in you as a person, they don't respect you, and they don't honor you for what you've done for them, you'll end up firing them.

God is the creator of life (all things), so you must follow the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven, love, respect and honor Him for that. As I told you before, it doesn't matter if you believe God is real or not, in the end, bad things will happen to you and your family if you have chosen not to love, respect, honor Him and did not follow the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven.

The devil is a liar, he only comes to steal, kill and destroy. Just look at your life today and what's happening in the world. That's your answer as to why bad things happen in the world, people don't follow the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven and don't give God the love, respect and honor He deserves as the creator of life. You are missing out on all the good that God has for you and your family. God wants everyone to be saved and to fully understand the truth. There is only one God, and there is only one way that people can reach Heaven. That way is through Christ Jesus, who as a man gave Himself to pay for everyone to be free.

Start by studying the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven (Bible), His love, respect and honor.
Start following the rules, give love, respect and honor to the creator of life . If you study His love, respect, honor and the rules of the Kingdom of Heaven, you will find the truth, and the truth will set you free.

All your accomplishments, degrees, diplomas, jobs, righteousness, and goodness will not let you get to Heaven, ONLY Jesus will. All you have to do is receive Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior, believe in Him that He is the Son of God, that He died on the cross for your sins and was raised from the dead on the third day so that you can have eternal life.

Choosing to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior is the most important decision you will ever make.

You cannot earn or work for your Salvation, it is freely given to everyone
who receives Jesus Christ and believes in Him as their Lord and Savior.

Ask yourself: If you, your children and your loved ones were to die today, would you go to heaven or hell? No one is sure of tomorrow, and therefore, you, your children and your loved ones cannot afford to wait another day to accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior.

Once saved does not mean always saved!!!
The assurance of salvation is in the persistent hunger and consumption of the Word of Life (Bible).

You should not accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior out of fear but out of love,
because He is the creator of all things, He is a good, loving, righteous and just God.
He is my God, my Lord and savior, my daddy and my best friend.

How can you believe and have faith in Jesus Christ if you can't (yet) see Him with your eyes?
There are many ways, but the easiest way is to look for
of people who have received miracles, deliverance, and healing from Jesus Christ.

The truth is available only to those who have the courage to question whatever they have been taught.

In the Love of Our Lord Jesus Christ,

Prophet Jeremiah Elias